
How the
pools work

The Tankers International Pools provide a physical hedge for Owners by ensuring stable and regular cash flow during volatile market conditions whilst still being able to take advantage of market upsides. Earnings are typically distributed to Participants twice per month, depending on market conditions and working capital requirements across the fleet.

We always welcome new participants with top-quality ships and who adhere to the high standards of ship management we expect.

Pool Participants undertake to trade their qualifying vessels in the Tankers International Pools and receive a share of the freights in accordance with the Pool Points allotted to each of their vessels. All commercial decisions are handled by the Pools’ commercial team with the exception of any specific trading restrictions which Owners may stipulate.

A vessel’s share of the total Pool income is determined by its theoretical earnings potential relative to the rest of the fleet and is illustrated by its allocated ‘Pool Point’. The Pool Point system is highly transparent based on vessel specific data and market data combined with a standardized calculation method, which is openly shared with all participants. Pool Points are adjusted every six months to reflect changes to trading patterns, fleet composition, market level and bunker prices to ensure overall weighting remains fair.

Reporting of commercial and financial results is done via access to an extranet with weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual reports. These reports are prepared with the objective of producing informative reports in a timely manner.

Tankers International employs motivated, professional people at all levels. We have offices in London, New York and Singapore to ensure global coverage for our Participants as well as for our Customers.

The Healthy Bowl 01 Commercial teams in London and New York provide exemplary tanker chartering expertise.
Slide 02 Experienced post fixture operators covering all time zones, including Captains and Chief Engineers, monitor the progress of cargo from load to discharge. Unique post-fixture procedures focus on customer requirements. Slide 03 Coordinated scheduling process to ensure optimum use of vessels and a flexible and responsive service for customers. Slide 04 Our Finance team ensures that transactions are processed and recorded accurately.
Slide 05 A dedicated IT team searches for ways to enhance systems, increase efficiency and guarantee that results from all voyages are trackable and transparent.
Slide 06 A research and project development department analyses, evaluates and disseminates market information.

How the TI pool works

Our Sub-Pools

Recent developments in the tanker market with a more diverse VLCC fleet have encouraged Tankers International to create a number of sub-pools; a sub-pool for modern scrubber fitted ships, a sub-pool for modern non-scrubber fitted ships and a sub-pool for ships aged 15 years and older. Vessels with different attributes have specific trading patterns and earnings potential and this division ensures fair sharing of earnings and costs between similar vessel types. This division is purely financial and from a commercial perspective all vessels trade as one single Pool.



Benefits of
Pooling with TI

By pooling together their vessels owners in the Pool experience numerous benefits. Size is instrumental to providing these benefits.

Improved cash flow and revenue

Pool Participants receive regular distribution of their share of the Pool income, typically twice per month. Cash flow is improved to provide revenue stability during volatile market conditions.

Economies of scale

Our Participants benefit from economies of scale through our volume discount negotiations on items such as bunkers and agency fees as well as the administrative costs associated with running the fleet.

Access to more customers

Being part of the Pool allows owners to service a greater range of customers and therefore a large and diverse cargo portfolio. Our global presence means exposure to all market cargoes. This results in better scheduling of the fleet as a whole and ultimately a higher laden versus ballast ratio for all the vessels.

Increased financial performance

With a large Pool of ships to draw from, scheduling performance is improved. This materialises in reduced waiting time and reduced downtime after dry-docking is often achieved. Negotiations on demurrage claims can be complicated and costly. Tankers International takes a firm but fair attitude to this subject and has an excellent record for achieving prompt settlement.

Fairer Charter Party terms

The Pool has negotiated a standard set of terms with many of our frequent customers which has increased efficiency and productivity during pre/post fixing as well as protecting individual Owners. Our post-fixture operations are customer focussed.

Market Intelligence

Our relationships provide improved market information resulting in superior forecasting and improved financial results. Such market information consists of only that which is available within the public domain and does not include market information which is confidential, or contains business secrets. The Pool endeavours to comply with all applicable competition laws.

Independent and transparent management

The Pool is run by and independent and experienced management team, that strives to provide a fair and transparent system of service to all our Participants. This includes the classification of vessel within the Pool Point system, the monitoring of vessel performance and the reporting of financial information across the Pool. Our management encourages discussions between Participants on commercial, technological and regulatory developments and is always available to answer any questions.


Benefits of

Tankers International is always looking for ways to improve its own performance and further enhance its service to its Customers. Partnerships, co-operation and development of new business opportunities are essential to the vitality and growth of the Pool. When entering into a close long-term business association with Tankers International, you are part of a mutually beneficial partnership. Customers who are already doing long-term business with us confirm the extraordinary service level, fair business practices and high ethics provided by Tankers International.


With a large Pool of vessels to draw upon, the impact of operational delays can be lessened by substituting another Pool vessel. Many of our vessels are sisterships, making this a simple process. Tankers International also acts as a charterer and will take in a substitute vessel from the spot market rather than compromise service to its customers during volatile market conditions.


Tankers International provides Customers with new solutions to meet their various transportation requirements. We pay particular attention to important considerations such as timing, accuracy, volume and dependency.

Pro-active partnership

TI can assist Customers by offering physical hedging on vessels, taking them back into the Pool where they will benefit from higher earnings. This can be combined with a contract of affreightment covering the cargo portfolio of the Customer. One stop shopping combining physical hedging with coverage of the cargo requirement.


Tankers International Ltd.
Verde Building, 1st Floor
10 Bressenden Place
T: +44 (0) 20 7870 4700
Tankers (UK) Agencies Ltd.
Verde Building, 1st Floor
10 Bressenden Place
T: +44 (0) 20 7870 4700
Tankers International (USA)
New York
1301 Avenue of the Americas,
New York, NY 10019, USA
T: +1 212 578 1895
Tankers International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
10 Anson Road
#29-07 International Plaza
Singapore 079903
T: +65 6800 4077
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© 2021 Tankers International All Rights Reserved.
Privacy Notice and GDPR   |   Anti-Slavery
172-Statement  TAX Strategy 2022 
Created by  BeCulture