Pioneers of
VLCC Pooling
The Tankers International VLCC Pool was created in 2000 to provide a premium shipping service to customers and Participants. Working closely with all stakeholders we deliver crude oil safely and efficiently for the global energy industry. Tankers International was the first company to pool together ships at a scale that created the largest fleet of modern VLCCs in the World and has since been successful in this strategy.

The fleet is enrolled in the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), for weather routing and performance monitoring

The Pool initiates a separate pool for vessels ages 15 years or older, although all vessels continue to trade under the same overarching commercial umbrella

The company launches a Scrubber Pool to welcome Owners with these systems installed on their ships

We strive to achieve the highest standards
As the world’s leading provider of modern, independent VLCC tonnage the Tankers International Pool has built a reputation for professionalism, trustworthiness, flexibility and service. We believe that commitment to safety, clear communication, creative solutions and transparency are fundamental to the Pool’s success. This strategy is delivered by strong, experienced, independent commercial and post-fixture teams which work to utilise all the Pool vessels to best advantage. Creative scheduling solutions, bespoke IT systems and motivated professional employees at all levels guarantee top quality service to our customers and competitive financial returns to Owners in the Pool.
We endeavour to achieve the highest standards within all areas of our business. We aim to evolve beyond the expectations of our clients, and in so doing remain a premier operator in the crude oil transportation industry.